Welcome to Rice University Bands, home of The MOB! But we are not JUST the world-famous Marching Owl Band (that NEVER marches), we have other bands and ensembles, too! Check us out and poke around. We are happy you stopped by to visit.
It is almost time for the 24 Hour Challenge.
NOTICE: We are in the “Library, Media and the Arts” section!
Come check us out, and help if you can!
Want to join Rice Bands?
We’re always accepting new members.
Click here for the information form!
If you want to continue to play cool music, be part of something fun, or just check us out, submit the registration form and give it a try!
If you have any questions, contact Chuck Throckmorton, Director of Bands, at cthrock@rice.edu.
Rice University bands and music classes:
Also offered:
With the exception of The MOB, all our groups are part of for-credit “MUSI” courses, administered through the Shepherd School of Music and taught here in the Band Hall by our own extraordinarily talented and dedicated music teachers and professional musicians.